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Garudasana (Eagle Pose)-It strengthens the leg muscles, helps in improving memory and builds concentration, helps in toning the nerves of the spine and brings balance to the mind, resulting in mental clarity.Stand straight in tadasana.Bend the right knee, and bring the left leg over the right thigh above the right knee and rest the left high in front of the right thigh. Breath in this position for a few seconds, keeping the eyes fixed at a point on the floor or on the wall.Now move the left foot behind the right calf, so as to touch the left foot to the right shin bone. Remember to balance the entire body weight on the right leg.Raise the arms to the level of the chest and bend the elbows. Place the right elbow in front of the left upper arm near the elbow joint and join both the palms together.Hold the posture for a few seconds while breathing deeply and then release the posture. Repeat the pose, standing on the left leg.Take care to keep the eyes fixed at a point for balance.